Saturday, March 1, 2014

English Language Teaching and Learning

I have been persuaded by many of my friends and colleagues to write regularly on teaching and learning of English. It occurs to me also that I should do something in this direction to open up a platform for discussion, sharing of best practices, sharing resources and the like. But what is most important in e-reading is to make one's writing very brief and catchy. This is really the challenge we are going to undertake. Hope my teachers, friends and students will help me in this endeavour.
The writing part is not just by me alone. Who ever sends me good articles or reports of useful action researches they have undertaken they will be shared in this platform. The platform will also discuss issues faced by students and teachers in teaching and learning of English at the school level.
I request all my friends to join in the discussions we will be conducting both in the blog and the comment thread of the Facebook posts.
You can send your articles to my mail -
P. S. Please don't forget to limit your writing to maximum 2 pages.